When people are not counted in the 2020 Census, we all lose in Presidio County! Make a difference in our lives for the next 10 years and get counted. You can respond online my2020census.gov, by phone 844-330-2020 (Spanish is 844-468-2020) or by using the paper form you received at your home. Get counted in the Census before the October 31st. deadline! Cuando las personas no son contadas en el censo 2020, todos perdemos en el condado de Presidio. Hace una diferencia en nuestras vidas durante los próximos 10 años y se contado. Puedes responder por internet my2020census.gov, por teléfono 844-330-2020 (el español al 844-468-2020) o utilizando el formulario que recibiste en casa. ¡Sea contado en el Censo antes de la fecha límite del 31 de Octubre!
about 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
The final online Drug Testing Information meeting will be held at 6 p.m., today, Oct. 7. All parents/guardians whose child will be participating in any extracurricular activities and/or parking on campus this school year must attend one of the information meetings. Parents/guardians can attend the online Zoom meeting. Copy the link in web browser for Oct. 7 meeting. Scheduled Zoom meeting: Topic: Drug Testing Information meeting (online only) Time: Oct 7, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/94150350775?pwd=Qkl6SG9OaFkwb0Fnejl4UUdpaldCUT09 Meeting ID: 941 5035 0775 Passcode: 0KNAhE
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Marfa ISD has been notified that a parent and family member of a Jr./Sr. High School student have tested positive for CoVID19. The student has not developed symptoms at this time. The student and family members are in quarantine. The district is following its safety response protocol and will continue to monitor the situation. If you or your child develop symptoms, please contact your healthcare provider. For more information about symptoms, click here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
If your child is changing his/her learning choice (remote to face-to-face or returning to remote) please call the school as soon as possible at 432-729-5500.
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
The Drug Testing Information meeting will be held at 6 p.m., today, Oct. 5. All parents/guardians whose child will be participating in any extracurricular activities and/or parking on campus this school year must attend this meeting. Parents/guardians can attend in person at the high school auditorium or an online Zoom meeting. Copy the link in web browser for Oct. 5 meeting Scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Drug Testing Information Meeting Time: Oct 5, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95379491435?pwd=WFIydXdGbTNTb0RiWStubDBRR0NXZz09 Meeting ID: 953 7949 1435 Passcode: 6fg4s9
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
MISD 2020 Homecoming King Zach Gomez, Queen Andrea Torres, Prince John Aguero, and Princess Gaby Soto. Congratulations!
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
MISD wants to inform the community that we are sold out of tickets for tomorrow night's homecoming football game. We have reached our maximum capacity to ensure we follow proper social distancing guidelines.
about 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
Marfa ISD Homecoming Parade & Pep Rally Everyone is invited to this year’s Homecoming Parade Thursday, Oct. 1. The parade begins at 6:30 p.m. followed by the pep rally at Martin Field. Marfa ISD and the Marfa Police Department ask parade attendees to park along the parade route, remain in their vehicles, and practice social distancing guidelines at all times. Homecoming Court and athletic teams will be driven in decorated vehicles and proceed from the high school headed east down Lincoln Street. The parade will turn south on Highland Avenue at the courthouse, then continue south down Highland Avenue, turning west on Oak Street where the parade will end. Homecoming Court vehicles will continue to the football field for the pep rally. Music, announcements, and senior highlights will be broadcast live on KRTS at 93.5 FM and stream at marfapublicradio.org. The school will also stream the event live on the Marfa Shorthorns Facebook page.
about 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
The Drug Testing Information meeting will be held today at 6 p.m. All parents/guardians whose child will be participating in extracurricular activities and/or parking on campus must attend this meeting. Additional meetings will be held Oct. 5 and Oct. 7. Parents/guardians can attend in person at the high school auditorium or an online Zoom meeting. Copy the link in web browser for Sept. 28 meeting: https://zoom.us/j/93315536762?pwd=QWlyd3JIU2tRQUZuQkc0eEdnTW1RQT09 Meeting ID: 933 1553 6762 Passcode: 6fg4s9
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Did you know Presidio County’s current response rate in the United States Census is just 25.9%? That’s less than half the response rate we had back in the 2010 census. Presidio County stands to lose over $10,000 for each person not counted. If our response rate were to stay at the current level, Presidio County could lose more than 51 million dollars in the next 10 years. Help us make sure every Marfan gets counted. We’ve got a ton of great prizes including $50 gift cards at Porter’s, $50 gift cards at Convenience West BBQ, free burritos at Marfa Burrito, and large DQ Blizzards! 190 winners will be selected to win one of these prizes. Getting counted is easy—just use one of these forms to enter your phone number. Census workers will call you from the (202) area code to get you counted and you’ll automatically be entered to win a prize. Marfa Counts: http://www.riocog.org/2020-census/marfa-english/ ¿Sabías que la tasa de respuesta actual del Condado de Presidio en el Censo de los Estados Unidos es de solo el 25,9%? Eso es menos de la mitad de la tasa de respuesta que obtuvimos en el censo del 2010. El Condado de Presidio está por perder más de $10,000 por cada persona no contada. Si nuestra tasa de respuesta se mantuviera en el nivel actual, el condado de Presidio podría perder más de 51 millones de dólares en los próximos 10 años. Ayúdanos a que todas las personas de Marfa sean contados. Tenemos muchos grandiosos regalos que incluyen tarjetas de regalo de $50 en Porter's, tarjetas de regalo de $50 en Convenience West BBQ y burritos gratis en Marfa Burrito. ¡Y también tenemos DQ Blizzards tamaño grande para regalar! 190 ganadores serán seleccionados para ganar estos premios. Ser contado es fácil—sólo tiene que utilizar el formulario para introducir su número de teléfono. Los trabajadores del censo le llamarán del código de área (202) para que te cuenten y automáticamente serás registrado para ganar un premio. Marfa Cuental: http://www.riocog.org/2020-census/marfa-espanol/
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Homecoming activities begin next week! We will see you in your PJs on Monday. (School dress code applies.) Go Horns!
about 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Marfa vs. Sierra Blanca, Martin Field, 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 25 Marfa High School Football Game Protocols for Spectators The following procedures are in place to SAFELY allow spectators to attend SHORTHORN FOOTBALL games. 1. Athletes/cheerleaders are eligible for a minimum of 4 tickets per home game. (More tickets may be available depending on attendance capacity.) . Athletes/cheerleaders will purchase, and pick up, these tickets at the high school office. 2. General admission tickets can be purchased by: · Calling (432) 729-5500 to reserve your tickets · Ticket limit is 4 per person at $3.00 per ticket · Reserved tickets must be paid for, and picked up, by 2:00 pm Friday at the high school office or administration office. . For the Sept. 25 football game, only 60 General Admission tickets are available. · PLEASE BRING THE EXACT DOLLAR AMOUNT. NO CHANGE WILL BE AVAILABLE. CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED. 4. Available seating areas are marked 1-48. 5. Seating will be on a first come, first serve basis. Individuals must stay within their designated seating area. 6. ENTRANCE PROCEDURES: · Marfa (HOME) spectators will PARK and ENTER / EXIT through areas designated along Gonzales Street and ENTER / EXIT through the “Tennis Court Area” and will sit on the home side of the field (WEST SIDE). · VISITORS will park on Lincoln Street and ENTER / EXIT the “M Gate” and will sit on the visitor side of the field (EAST SIDE). TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AT THE GATE
over 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Marfa ISD Homecoming is Oct. 2, 2020! Spirit week begins, Monday, Sept. 28. Let's celebrate Shorthorn Pride all week!
over 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Theme week
Parents of Jr./Sr. High School students - if you have decided that your child will attend face-to-face instruction beginning Monday, Sept. 21, instead of continuing with remote instruction this grading period, please call the school office at 432-729-5500.
over 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Marfa ISD will have their regular monthly board meeting on Monday, September 21, 2020 at 6pm via zoom and face to face. The face to face meeting will be in the High School Auditorium. Here is the link and the password is 130YHx . If you have any comments or questions please email me at oaguero@marfaisd.com https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77258232318?pwd=YldoTnh0QktoUFFpSUQ2eERqMXBzdz09
over 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
This is a reminder that Marfa ISD's face to face instruction will begin Monday, September 21, 2020. Marfa ISD staff cannot wait and is exited to see the students return. Remote instruction will continue as is. Thank you and continue to be safe.
over 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
Marfa ISD would like to inform you that on September 8, 2020, The Marfa City Council approved Gonzales Street to become a one way street heading north between Lincoln and Columbia. This will help make the dropping off and picking up of students safer and more efficient. This will also allow us to practice social distancing during student drop off and pick up, because parents will be required to stay in their vehicles and students will not be walking across traffic.
over 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
Marfa High School Homecoming game has been rescheduled to 7 p.m., Friday, Oct. 2. Mark your calendar for this great Shorthorn tradition! The Shorthorns take on West Texas Co-Op. Information about activities and game tickets will be posted soon. Go Horns!!
over 4 years ago, Allison Scott
Marfa ISD has been advised by our local health advisor, Dr. Schwartz, that there is a spike in cases of Covid-19 and recommends extending our remote only instruction for one more week. Due to this recommendation, Marfa ISD will be remote only for the week of September 14th through the 18th. Face to face instruction will begin, Monday, September 21, 2020 unless otherwise advised. Marfa ISD is sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, but please understand that this decision is made with the safety of our students, staff, and community as the utmost priority.
over 4 years ago, Oscar Aguero
Nineteen years ago, on this day, the United States of America came under attack by terrorists. 2974 people died this 11th day of September at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on 4 hi-jacked planes. On this 19th year anniversary of September 11, 2001, certainly many people feel that the events of that day must never be forgotten. Today we remember and honor the thousands of people who died in the events of September 11, 2001. We recognize the endurance of those who survived, the courage of those who risked their lives to save others, and the compassion of all who supported one another. May the lives remembered, the deeds recognized, and the spirit reawakened be eternal beacons, which reaffirm respect for life, strengthen our resolve to preserve freedom, and inspire an end to hatred, ignorance and intolerance. Let’s make sure that none of us take for granted our personal liberties and freedoms that have come through great sacrifice, past and present.
over 4 years ago, Allison Scott